About us

UKi Media & Events has been an industry trailblazer since it was founded in 1991. Today, the company proudly stands as a global leader in the delivery of specialized exhibitions, conferences and magazines – all with an unwavering focus on transportation, logistics and meteorology.

Regarded by competitors as one of the most successful companies of the last three decades, UKi Media & Events conducts targeted events in Europe, China, India, Korea and North America, and distributes its portfolio of B2B magazines across the world.

Excellence and innovation are ingrained in the DNA of UKi Media & Events, the success of which is testament to the dedication, passion and crucial contributions of its team. Prioritizing investment in its team, the company fosters a culture of growth, collaboration and continuous learning.

Its pursuit of the highest quality has garnered great recognition for UKi Media & Events over the years, including prestigious accolades such as the PPA International Business Magazine of the Year and noteworthy listings in Europe 500 and The Sunday Times Profit Track 100.

UKi Media & Events is the brainchild of Tony Robinson, who was CEO of the business for more than 30 years and remains its chairman today. As part of the CloserStill Media Group, the company has entered an exciting next phase of development – a transformative journey in sustained innovation, collaboration and excellence.