Day 211 March


Meet the Airlines - IATA, together with key representatives of a number of its major airline members, will be discussing the challenges we are facing together as we implement many of the IATA programmes that have been outlined at previous PTE conferences. The airline speakers, together with representatives from the airports where they are working on these initiatives, will talk about how they perceive the implementation process, both the opportunities and the challenges.

Gregory Basecqz, Implementation Manager, Smart Security, IATA, Switzerland

Speaker Biography: Gregory is Development/Implementation Manager for the Smart Security programme, a joint initiative of IATA and ACI. In collaboration with regulators, screening authorities, airports, airlines, solution providers and members of the research community, the programme aims to provide a roadmap for passenger-friendly security checkpoints at airports, while strengthening security and improving operational efficiency. With fifteen years of experience in the aviation industry, Gregory has built up a strong network and insight into passenger experience. Within IATA, he held previous positions in corporate services, regional office and local representations. Gregory was the IATA Cargo Manager for Benlux and France for several years before joining the APCS (Airport, Passenger, Cargo and Security) Division to support the programme. His university background is in Political Sciences, Management and Public Policies, Business Management and Project Management.