Qianyi Yeo, Senior Associate, Changi Airport Group (Singapore) Pte Ltd, Singapore

Speaker Biograghy: Qianyi is working on masterplanning for Changi Airport Group. She works closely with the different stakeholders to understand the infrastructural needs of the terminal. She is competent in running the terminal simulation models and assesses the results to propose an optimal layout for the different terminal touchpoints.

Day 2 - 16 March
Management & Operations

12:10 - 12:35 - Enhancing operational efficiency (aircraft movement) at Singapore Changi Airport
Synopsis: Airside users utilising parking stands beside an active taxiway are at potential risk of being affected by aircraft jetblast when operational aircraft turn towards the south for departure. This restriction required this taxiway to be uni-directional. With the installation of the jetblast fence, the taxiway can be converted into a bi-directional taxiway, which allows ATC to use it for batching of departures. This improves the facilitation of departures when wind direction is more favourable for departing aircraft from the south.

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